P. AYYILDIZ, "Researching the Entangled: Post-COVID-19 Cognitive, Psychological and Motivational States," In Examining the Cognitive and Psychological Effects of COVID-19 from Elementary through Post-Secondary Education , IAP– Information Age Publishing, 2023, pp.1-20.
AYYILDIZ, P. Researching the Entangled: Post-COVID-19 Cognitive, Psychological and Motivational States. 2023. In Examining the Cognitive and Psychological Effects of COVID-19 from Elementary through Post-Secondary Education , IAP– Information Age Publishing, 1-20.
AYYILDIZ, P., (2023). Researching the Entangled: Post-COVID-19 Cognitive, Psychological and Motivational States. Examining the Cognitive and Psychological Effects of COVID-19 from Elementary through Post-Secondary Education (pp.1-20), IAP– Information Age Publishing.
AYYILDIZ, PINAR. "Researching the Entangled: Post-COVID-19 Cognitive, Psychological and Motivational States." In Examining the Cognitive and Psychological Effects of COVID-19 from Elementary through Post-Secondary Education , 1-20. IAP– Information Age Publishing, 2023
AYYILDIZ, PINAR. "Researching the Entangled: Post-COVID-19 Cognitive, Psychological and Motivational States." Examining the Cognitive and Psychological Effects of COVID-19 from Elementary through Post-Secondary Education , IAP– Information Age Publishing, 2023, pp.1-20.
AYYILDIZ, P. (2023) "Researching the Entangled: Post-COVID-19 Cognitive, Psychological and Motivational States", Examining the Cognitive and Psychological Effects of COVID-19 from Elementary through Post-Secondary Education . IAP– Information Age Publishing.
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