P. AYYILDIZ, "THE FUTURE OF HIGHER EDUCATION FROM A TRANSHUMANISTIC PERSPECTIVE: NOVEL PARADIGMS," In “New Trends and Promising Directions in Modern Education , Konya: Palet Yayınları, 2023, pp.259-284.
AYYILDIZ, P. THE FUTURE OF HIGHER EDUCATION FROM A TRANSHUMANISTIC PERSPECTIVE: NOVEL PARADIGMS. 2023. In “New Trends and Promising Directions in Modern Education , Palet Yayınları, Konya, 259-284.
AYYILDIZ, P., (2023). THE FUTURE OF HIGHER EDUCATION FROM A TRANSHUMANISTIC PERSPECTIVE: NOVEL PARADIGMS. “New Trends and Promising Directions in Modern Education (pp.259-284), Konya: Palet Yayınları.
AYYILDIZ, PINAR. "THE FUTURE OF HIGHER EDUCATION FROM A TRANSHUMANISTIC PERSPECTIVE: NOVEL PARADIGMS." In “New Trends and Promising Directions in Modern Education , 259-284. Konya: Palet Yayınları, 2023
AYYILDIZ, PINAR. "THE FUTURE OF HIGHER EDUCATION FROM A TRANSHUMANISTIC PERSPECTIVE: NOVEL PARADIGMS." “New Trends and Promising Directions in Modern Education , Palet Yayınları, 2023, pp.259-284.
AYYILDIZ, P. (2023) "THE FUTURE OF HIGHER EDUCATION FROM A TRANSHUMANISTIC PERSPECTIVE: NOVEL PARADIGMS", “New Trends and Promising Directions in Modern Education . Konya: Palet Yayınları.
@bookchapter{bookchapter, author ={PINAR AYYILDIZ}, chaptertitle={THE FUTURE OF HIGHER EDUCATION FROM A TRANSHUMANISTIC PERSPECTIVE: NOVEL PARADIGMS}, booktitle={ “New Trends and Promising Directions in Modern Education}, publisher={Palet Yayınları}, city={Konya},year={2023} }