P. AYYILDIZ, "Playful University Applications and Gamification Activities in Higher Education from the Perspective of Türkiye," In The Playful University - Philosophy, Practice, Politics, and Principles , .Routledge, 2024, pp.1-6.
AYYILDIZ, P. Playful University Applications and Gamification Activities in Higher Education from the Perspective of Türkiye. 2024. In The Playful University - Philosophy, Practice, Politics, and Principles , .Routledge, 1-6.
AYYILDIZ, P., (2024). Playful University Applications and Gamification Activities in Higher Education from the Perspective of Türkiye. The Playful University - Philosophy, Practice, Politics, and Principles (pp.1-6), .Routledge.
AYYILDIZ, PINAR. "Playful University Applications and Gamification Activities in Higher Education from the Perspective of Türkiye." In The Playful University - Philosophy, Practice, Politics, and Principles , 1-6. .Routledge, 2024
AYYILDIZ, PINAR. "Playful University Applications and Gamification Activities in Higher Education from the Perspective of Türkiye." The Playful University - Philosophy, Practice, Politics, and Principles , .Routledge, 2024, pp.1-6.
AYYILDIZ, P. (2024) "Playful University Applications and Gamification Activities in Higher Education from the Perspective of Türkiye", The Playful University - Philosophy, Practice, Politics, and Principles . .Routledge.
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