B. ŞENSES And P. AYYILDIZ, "An Interdisciplinary Study: Quantum Leadership and Hybrid Leadership," In Chaos, Complexity and Leadership 2016 , Lancaster: Springer Nature, 2018, pp.547-558.
ŞENSES, B. And AYYILDIZ, P. An Interdisciplinary Study: Quantum Leadership and Hybrid Leadership. 2018. In Chaos, Complexity and Leadership 2016 , Springer Nature, Lancaster, 547-558.
ŞENSES, B., & AYYILDIZ, P., (2018). An Interdisciplinary Study: Quantum Leadership and Hybrid Leadership. Chaos, Complexity and Leadership 2016 (pp.547-558), Lancaster: Springer Nature.
ŞENSES, BERRİN, And PINAR AYYILDIZ. "An Interdisciplinary Study: Quantum Leadership and Hybrid Leadership." In Chaos, Complexity and Leadership 2016 , 547-558. Lancaster: Springer Nature, 2018
ŞENSES, BERRİN And AYYILDIZ, PINAR. "An Interdisciplinary Study: Quantum Leadership and Hybrid Leadership." Chaos, Complexity and Leadership 2016 , Springer Nature, 2018, pp.547-558.
ŞENSES, B. And AYYILDIZ, P. (2018) "An Interdisciplinary Study: Quantum Leadership and Hybrid Leadership", Chaos, Complexity and Leadership 2016 . Lancaster: Springer Nature.
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