A case of atypical (cellular) congenital mesoblastic nephroma presenting with high serum levels of neuron specific enolase in neonatal period Yenidoğan döneminde nöron spesifik enolaz yüksekliği ile seyreden atipik (selüler) konjenital mezoblastik nefroma olgusu

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Hoşağası N. H., Dilli D., Özgüner İ. F., Şahin G., Boduroğlu E. C., Aydın B., ...More

Haseki Tip Bulteni, vol.52, no.3, pp.223-226, 2014 (Peer-Reviewed Journal) identifier identifier

  • Publication Type: Article / Article
  • Volume: 52 Issue: 3
  • Publication Date: 2014
  • Doi Number: 10.4274/haseki.1577
  • Journal Name: Haseki Tip Bulteni
  • Page Numbers: pp.223-226
  • Keywords: Congenital mesoblastic nephroma, newborn
  • Lokman Hekim University Affiliated: No


© 2014, Haseki Training and Research Hospital. All rights reserved.The most common causes of abdominal mass are neuroblastoma, germ cell tumors, hepatoblastoma and congenital mesoblastic nephroma. Congenital mesoblastic nephroma (CMN) accounts for more than 90% of all renal tumors seen in the first three months of life. Total nephrectomy is curative. Neuron-specific enolase is a glycolytic enzyme that is localized primarily to the neuronal cytoplasm. Its sensitivity is especially high for neuroblastoma and small cell lung cancer. In this paper, we report a newborn with abdominal mass that was firstly considered as neuroblastoma due to calcifications observed on ultrasonography and high levels of serum neuron-specific enolase. After histopathological evaluation of the lesion, the patient was diagnosed as having atypical (cellular) congenital mesoblastic nephroma.