Meme Sagligi Dergisi / Journal of Breast Health, cilt.6, sa.2, ss.69-73, 2010 (Scopus)
Introduction: The research carried out in order to determine the knowledge and behaviors of female university students about breast cancer and breast self examination (BSE). Materials and Methods: The research has been carried out 331 students staying at Girl Students Dormitory of a state university. The data has been collected through Personal Information Form and Breast Cancer / BSE Knowledge Form. Breast Cancer / BSE Knowledge Form consists of 25 items and it is evaluated out of 100 points. The data has been evaluated on the computer, in the statistical analysis, Khisquare, variance analysis and t test have been used. Results: 81% of students have heard BSE, but 52.3% of them have never done BSE so far. Among the students studying in departments related to health, the frequency of doing BSE (79.7%) was significantly higher than the students studying in departments apart from health (40.8%). The students'totally Breast Cancer / BSE point average was determined as 37.86±17.59. The point average of the students studying in departments related to health (55.38±15.61) was significantly higher than the students studying in departments apart from health (34.05±15.60); the point average of students who have heard about BSE (40.25±17.52) was significantly higher than students who haven't heard (27.68±13.97); the point average of students who have done BSE (46.32±15.59) was significantly higher than the students who have never done BSE (30.12±15.69). Discussion: Consequently, although the big majority of female university students have heard about BSE, their behaviors of doing BSE are not enough. Also the students'knowledge level about Breast Cancer / BSE are low.