The Wayfinding Questionnaire-Turkish (WQ-TR): A study of cross-cultural adaptation and psychometric properties of validity and reliability


Hacettepe Üniversitesi Sağlık Bilimleri Fakültesi Dergisi, cilt.11, sa.1, ss.247-264, 2024 (Hakemli Dergi) identifier


Objectıves: Navigation and wayfinding is a neurocognitive skill that we often use in daily life. The aim of this study is to adapt the Wayfinding Questionnaire-Turkish (WQ-TR), which assesses the navigation complaints of individuals, and to assess psychometric properties of WQ-TR in healthy individuals. Materials and Methods: This study was conducted with 363 healthy participants (203 F, 160 M) aged 18 and 69 (mean: 39.0±13.1). WQ-TR and Money's Road Map Test (RMT) were applied to all participants. Validity analyses were conducted with construct and concurrent validity. Factory structures of the questionnaire were formed with principal axis factoring in construct validity. The correlation between the RMT error counts and WQ-TR scores was evaluated for concurrent validity. Internal consistency (Cronbach's alpha) and test-retest reliability were performed in reliability analyses. Results: WQ-TR has 20 items and 3-factor structures: “Navigation and Orientation(NO)”, “Spatial Anxiety-Ambiguous(SA-A)” and “Spatial Anxiety-Organisation(SA-O)”. In line with the correlation between RMT error counts and WQ-TR scores, WQ-TR was found to have moderate validity. High internal consistency (a: 0.906) and high intraclass correlation coefficients (ICC: 0.976) were observed. WQ-TR showed satisfactory internal consistency, excellent test-retest reliability and moderate validity. Conclusion: WQ-TR, the first Turkish questionnaire assessing navigation skills and showed perfect internal consistency, reliability and validity, was presented for clinical and scientific use.