Mustafa Kemal Üniversitesi Tıp Dergisi, sa.3, ss.26-37, 2015 (Hakemli Dergi)
Apoptosis is main kind of programmed cell death. It is a way of getting rid of
unnecessary and abnormal cells. Apoptozis is necessary and useful for life cyle and different
from necrosis, which is cell death because of acute cell damage, by the way of killing cells in
a series molecular pathways. For example during embriological differentiation of human
fingers, apoptosis must be started to separate the fingers from each other. The differention of
cell shape and metabolism at the time of apoptosis occurs as a result of several enzymatical
procedures. Being smaller while dying by the apoptosis is not seen during necrosis. In every
seconds one million cells are eliminated by apoptosis. Controlled balance is provided
between mitosis and apoptosis. Apoptosis provides usefulness for organisms and also
damages cancer cells. There are variety of methods which are detected to apoptosis.
Apoptosis disorders can result in cancer, infections, neurodegenerative diseases, ischemic
diseases and other possible related diseases. The parameter in the biochemical pathways of
apoptosis can be targeted in the treatment of diseases which caused by apoptosis fewness or