SENDROM, cilt.18, sa.3, ss.87-92, 2006 (Scopus)
Mortality statistics are easy to provide, so are widely used to show child health status in the population. Previous studies have shown that, graveyard recordings are reliable to evaluate childhood deaths. We documented the number and reasons of childhood deaths during 1995-2002 in Malatya city, and compared these findings with childhood deaths between 1990-1995. One month-1 year old childhood deaths made up 35.65% of general population mortality, while newborn death was 22.61%, 1 to 6-year-old death was 21.55%, 11 to 18 year-old death was 14.88 and 7 to 11 year-old death was 5.34%. In the present study, childhood deaths constituted 13.82% of whole deaths. In the last 7 years, there was a striking decrease in newborn deaths and deaths between 7-11 years-old children. Prematurity and its complications, including respiratory problems, pneumonia and cerebral problems, were the most common reasons of newborn deaths. We suggest there are some reasons for the decrease in newborn deaths: a) Families became more conscious and refer to a health care unit as their babies get ill. b) improvement in the quality of newborn care units in our city c) babies are delivered in hospitals even in villages. The increase of deaths in 1 month-1 year, 1-6 year and 11-18 year-old groups is attributed to infant infection(pneumonia and diarrhea being the most common reasons), and accidents. As doctors have a leading role for the public to be conscious about prevention and coping with diseases and preventible accidents. In a country like Turkey with high children mortality rates both public doctors and pediatricians have too much to do.