General Information

Institutional Information: Tıp Fakültesi, Dahili Tıp Bilimleri Bölümü, Radyoloji Anabilim Dalı
WoS Research Areas: Clinical Medicine (MED), CLINICAL MEDICINE
Avesis Research Areas: Medicine, Health Sciences

Names in Publications: Talu T., TALI Emin, TALI Turgut E, TALI E. Turgut, Turgut Tali E., Turgut Tali E. T. , Talı Erhan Turgut, TALI Turgut, Talí E.T.




Citation (WoS)


H-Index (WoS)


Citation (Scopus)


H-Index (Scopus)


Citation (Scholar)


H-Index (Scholar)


Thesis Advisory


Open Access

UN Sustainable Development Goals






Professor of Radiology 

Vice Dean, Lokman Hekim University School of Medicine

Chairman, Department of Radiology


President, World Federation of Neuroradiological Societies

President, Turkish Society of Neuroradiology

Immediate Past CEO, European Board of Neuroradiology

Past President, European Society of Neuroradiology


Söğütözü, Ankara, 06510 TURKEY

Phone (Cellular): +90-(542) 242 5828

E-mails: &


Date updated: March 01, 2022



      I.         Personal Data:

a. Birth date / place                December 19, 1954; Trabzon, Turkey

b. Marital Status                     Married, two children


     II.         Current Position:

03, 2022-currently                   Vice Dean

02, 2004- currently                 Chairman, Dept. of Radiology 

02, 2022- currently                 Professor, Radiology

Lokman Hekim University School of Medicine, Department of Radiology, Ankara, TURKEY 


   III.         Education:

1972 - 1979                            Hacettepe University School of Medicine, Ankara, TURKEY 

1969 - 1972                            Ankara Science High School (Special American Curriculum Science High School founded with the support of The Foundation of Ford, Florida State University and The Association of International Development) 


   IV.         Postgraduate Training:

05, 1993 - 08, 1993                Visiting Fellowship, Neuroradiology and MR, The University of Iowa College of Medicine, Department of Radiology, Iowa City, Iowa, USA

09, 1990 - 09, 1992                Visiting Fellowship and Research ScientistNeuroradiology and MR, The University of Iowa College of Medicine, Department of Radiology, Iowa City, Iowa, USA

12, 1989 - 04, 1990                Visiting Fellowship, 9 Eylul University School of Medicine, Department of Radiology, MRI Center, Izmir, TURKEY

11, 1979 – 04, 1984               Residency, Hacettepe University School of Medicine, Department of Radiology, Ankara, TURKEY 


    V.         Experience:

02, 2004-12, 2021                  Director, Neuroradiology, Gazi University School of Medicine, Department of Radiology, Ankara, TURKEY 

02, 2004 - 12, 2021                Director, Neuroradiology and MRI Center, Department of Radiology, Gazi University School of Medicine, Ankara, TURKEY

01, 2000 - 12, 2021                Professor, Department of Radiology and Division of Neuroradiology, Director of the MRI Center, Gazi University School of Medicine, Ankara, TURKEY

08, 2008 - 11, 2011                Executive Associate Dean, Gazi University School of Medicine, Ankara, TURKEY

09, 2008 - 10, 2010                Chairman, Department of Medical Informatics, Gazi University School of Medicine, Ankara, TURKEY

10, 1997 - 01, 2000                Executive Committee Member, Gazi University School of Medicine Ankara, TURKEY

11, 1993 - 01, 2000                Associate Professor, Department of Radiology and Neuroradiology, Director, the MRI Center, Gazi University School of Medicine, Ankara, TURKEY

08, 1993 - 11, 1993                Assistant Professor, Department of Radiology and Neuroradiology, Gazi University School of Medicine, Ankara, TURKEY

09, 1991 - 09, 1992                Head, MRI Research Group, The University of Iowa College of Medicine, Department of Radiology, MRI Center, Iowa City, Iowa, USA

09, 1990 - 09, 1992              Visiting Neuroradiology Fellow and Research Scientist, The University of Iowa, College of Medicine, Department of Radiology, MRI Center, Iowa City, Iowa, USA


   VI.         Certification and Degrees:

09.15, 2016                            European Diploma in Paediatric Neuroradiology, No: 009

03.15, 2006                            European Diploma in Neuroradiology, No: 10

01.28, 2004                            Senior Professor, Radiology

01.28, 2000                            Professor, Radiology 

10.27, 1993                            Associate Professor, Radiology

08.22, 1993                            Assistant Professor, Radiology

04.20, 1984                            Radiologist, Thesis: Value of Antegrade Pyelography in Diagnosis of Urinary System Diseases.

06.30, 1979                            M.D.


 VII.         Honors and Grants:

10, 2019                                 Honorary Membership of Belarusian Society of Radiology

09, 2019                                 Honorary Membership of European Society of Neuroradiology

08, 2015                                 Honorary Membership of Brasilian Ceara Society of Radiology

05, 2014                                 Honorary Membership of Serbian Society of Radiology

10, 2012                                 Honorary Membership Romanian Society of Musculoskeletal Radiology

06, 2012                                 Honorary and Founding Membership Russian Society of Neuroradiology

05, 2012                                 Honorary Membership Israeli Society of Neuroradiology

05, 2012                                 Honorary Membership Serbian Society of Neuroradiology

05, 2010                                 Honorary Membership American Society of Neuroradiology

09, 2009                                 Cum Lauda; (w S. Karakas) European Society of Neuroradiology 34th Annual Congress, Athens, Greece

06, 2008                                 The Scientific and Technological Council of Turkey Project Grant; Multidisciplinary and multi-technological 3Tesla research

06, 2007                                 Turkish Republic Prime Ministry State Planning Organization (DPT) Project Grant;Multidisciplinary and multitechnological (fMRI and MR compatible EEG combination, etc.) approach to ADHD and its subgroups.

01, 2006                                 One of the 10 most downloaded articles in 2005” Spinal infections. E. Turgut Tali”published in European Journal of Radiology (between January and December 2005). 

10, 2003                                 International Guest of Honor and Friend; Radiological Society in Israel 

09, 1996                                 Cum Lauda; 15th Annual Meeting of Turkish Society of Radiology,

                                               Nevsehir, TURKEY

05, 1992                                 Cum Lauda; (w Gao F.) American Society of Neuroradiology, 30th Annual Meeting, St. Louis, USA

12, 1991                                 Educational Development Grant; The University of Iowa College of Medicine. Project: MR Anatomy of the Cranial Nerves.

06, 1972                                 High School Scientific Projects Contest of The Scientific and Technological Council of Turkey (STRCT-TUBITAK) Award; Project: Effects of Thyroid Hormones on Benzoic Acid Detoxification.


VIII.         Activities:

a.     Professional Affiliations:

                             i.     International:

World Federation of Neuroradiological Societies

2018 – currently                     President

2014 - 2018                            President-elect 

09, 2014                                 Symposium President, XXth Symposium Neuroradiologicum 

2010 - present                        Member, Executive Committee 

2006 - 2010                            MemberXIXth Symposium Neuroradiologicum International Advisory Committee

2005 - 2009                            Member, Commission of Neuroradiological Societies

2001 - 2005                            Member, Intersociety Relations Commission

2002 - 2006                            MemberXVIIIth Symposium Neuroradiologicum International Advisory Committee


                                               European Society of Neuroradiology

09, 2014 – 09, 2016               Past President

09, 2012 - 09, 2014                President

09, 2014 – 09, 2016               Chairman, European School of Neuroradiology

09, 2006 – 09, 2016               Member, Executive Committee 

2012 - 2016                            Course Director, European Course of Neuroradiology, ECNR 12th and 13th Cycle of European School of Radiology (ESOR) 

2000 - 2004, 2008-currently  Member, Educational Committee 

09, 2008 - 09, 2010                Chairman, National Delegates Council

2008 - 2013                            Chairman, Ad Hoc Committee 

2008 - 2013                            Member, Rules Committee

1996 - 2013                            National DelegateTurkish Society of Neuroradiology 

09, 2003                                 Congress President, European Society of Neuroradiology XXVIIIth Annual Congress and 12th Advanced Course

2002 - 2004                            Member, Scientific Committee

2001                                       Course DirectorEuropean Course in Neuroradiology, 6th Cycle, 3rd Course


European Board of Neuroradiology

09, 2018-currently                  Chief Examiner

09, 2016 – 09, 2018               Chairman, Executive Officers

2019- currently                       Member, Steering Committee

2002 - 2008, 2014 - 2018      Member

2002 - 2008                            Member, Accreditation Committee 


European Society of Radiology

2012 - 2015                            Representative, ESNR

2012 - 2015                            Member, ESR Subspecialities and Allied Sciences Committee 

2012 - 2015                            Member, ESR Professional Organisation Committee 

2008 - 2014                            Representative, ESNR for the Galen Courses of European School of Radiology (ESOR)

2010                                       Member, Program Planning Committee of ECR 2010

2009                                       Chairperson, Neuroradiology Subcommittee of ECR 2009

2009                                       Course Director, European School of Radiology (ESOR) Galen Course; Neuro-Musculoskeletal Basics Course

2008                                       Member, Neuroradiology Subcommittee of ECR 2008


Radiological Society of North America

2012- 2018                             Member, Education Exhibits Committee


                           ii.     National:

Turkish Society of Neuroradiology 

2013 - currently                      President

2004 - 2008, 2010-currently  Member, Executive Committee 

2004 - 2008                            Head, Audit Committee 

2000 - 2004                            Vice President


Turkish Society of Magnetic Resonance 

2002 - 2004                            Past President 

2000 - 2002                            President

1998 - 2004                            Member, Executive Committee

2004                                       Congress Co-President, Second Eastern Mediterranean Congress of Magnetic Resonance Imaging, Athens, Greece

2002                                       Congress President, First Eastern Mediterranean Congress of Magnetic Resonance Imaging, Izmir, Turkey


Turkish Society of Radiology

2001 - 2003                            Head, Audit Committee

1996 - 1997, 2003 - 2004      National Delegate, Turkish Society of Radiology at European Society of Radiology

2002                                       President, First Eastern Mediterranean Congress of Magnetic Resonance Imaging 

1996 - 1999, 2001 - 2004      National Delegate, Turkish Society of Magnetic Resonance at International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine


Turkish Medical Chamber

1979 - currently                      Member           


Medical Speciality Society’s Coordination Council

2015 - currently                       Member          


b.    Research

2006 - currently                       Project Expert, European Commission Research Executive                                              Agency            


c.     Social:

                                               Turkish Volleyball Federation

2004 - 2008                            Chairman, Medical and Anti-Doping Committee  

2008                                       Member, Organization Committee of CEV-FIVB Men’s European Volleyball Championship 

2005                                       Member, Organization Committee of FIVB Women’s U20 World Volleyball Championship 


Turkish Handball Federation 

2004 - 2008                            Member, Medical Committee


                                               Hacettepe University Alumni Society

1986 - present                        Member, Ankara Science High School Alumni Society

Turkish Red Crescent 

1999 - 2000                            Member, Executive Council


   IX.         Research Interest


CNS Infections

Neuro MR

Contrast Media in MRI and MRA


    X.         Invited Lectures

a.     International:

Delivered 294 lectures as invited lecturer. (Appendix B)

b.    National: 

Delivered 154 lectures as an invited lecturer. (Appendix C)


   XI.         Publications:

a.     Book: 

MRI of Head and Neck Anatomy

     W.T.C. Yuh, E.T. Tali, A. Afifi, K. Sahinoglu, F. Gao, R. A. Bergman

     Churchill-Livingstone, New York, 1994 


b.    Chapters: 

14 chapters. (Appendix D)


c.     Editorship:

2015 - currently                       Co-Editor-in-Chief, The Egyptian Journal of Radiology and Nuclear Medicine

2006 - currently                       Co-Editor-in-Chief, The Neuroradiology Journal

2012 - currently                       Editorial Board Member, Neuroradiology, The Neuroradiology                                          Journal

2013 - 2014                            Section Chief, European Journal


d.    Guest Editorship:

2015                                        Neuroimaging Clinics of North America “Spinal Infections” 

2008                                        Neuroimaging Clinics of North America “Viruses and Prions in                                            the CNS” 

2003                                        Rivista Di Neuroradiologia, Volume 16, Suppl. 2, 2003

2001                                        Rivista Di Neuroradiologia, Volume 14, No: 2, 2001


e.     Manuscripts: 

91 manuscripts. (Appendix E)


f.      Abstracts:

Printed 198 abstracts. (Appendix F)


 XII.         Citations and H Index

a.     Citations:

2304 times cited without self-citations (as of March 01, 2022) (Scopus)

b.    H index:

26 (as of March 01, 2022) (Scopus)


XIII.         Educational Activities:

a.     International:

                             i.     European Society of Neuroradiology: 

09, 2016 – 09, 2018               CEO, European Board of Neuroradiology

09, 2014 – 09, 2016               Chairman, European School of Neuroradiology

10.2012 – 04.2016                 Course Director, European Course in Neuroradiology (ECNR) 12th and 13th Cycles 

12-17, 05, 2001                      Course Director, European Course in Neuroradiology (ECNR) 6th Cycle 3rd Course Spine and Spinal Cord 

2000 - 2004, 2011 - 2016       Member, Educational Committee (Chairman of European School of Neuroradiology) 


                             ii.  European Society of Radiology

2008 - 2014                            Representative, at European School of Radiology                                                              (ESOR) 

2009                                        Course Director, European School of Radiology (ESOR) Galen Course 


b.    National: 

                             i.     Turkish Society of Neuroradiology

2014 – present                        Member, Turkish Board of Neuroradiology   

2006 – present                        Chairman, Education Committee


                           ii.     Medical School Undergraduate Education:

Grade III: 

Basics of Neuroradiology, Imaging and sectional anatomy of the CNS, Imaging and sectional anatomy of the Spine and Spinal Cord

Grade IV:

Neuroradiology, Imaging in CNS Diseases, Imaging in Spine and Spinal Cord diseases, Algorithm in Neuroradiology

c.     Postgraduate Education:

1998 - 2002                            Head, Residency Education Program of Radiology 

d.    Theses Supervised:

20 theses. (Appendix G)