Yayınlar & Eserler

SCI, SSCI ve AHCI İndekslerine Giren Dergilerde Yayınlanan Makaleler


Transfusion and Apheresis Science , cilt.57, sa.2, ss.150, 2018 (SCI-Expanded) identifier


Transfusion and Apheresis Science , cilt.57, sa.2, ss.151, 2018 (SCI-Expanded) identifier
Diğer Dergilerde Yayınlanan Makaleler
Hakemli Kongre / Sempozyum Bildiri Kitaplarında Yer Alan Yayınlar

Ibrutinib As a Promising Treatment for Pulmonary Complications Due to Refractory Chronic Graft Versus Host Disease

Transplantation Cellular Therapy Meetings of ASTCT and CIBMTR, Amerika Birleşik Devletleri, 8 - 12 Şubat 2020, cilt.26, ss.191

Clonal Plasma Cell Detection by High Sensitive Flow Cytometry in Aphaeresis Product is Poor Prognostıc and not Increased by Use of Plerixafor Alone

45th Annual Meeting of the European Society for Blood and Marrow Transplantation, Frankfurt, Almanya, 24 - 27 Mart 2019, cilt.54, ss.496-497 identifier identifier

Is mobilization with chemotherapy effect response in the multiple myeloma?

45th Annual Meeting of the European Society for Blood and Marrow Transplantation, 24 - 27 Mart 2019

Transplant Sonrası Trombositopenide Eltrombopag: Tek Merkez Deneyimimiz

11. Ulusal Kemik İliği Transplantasyonu ve Hücresel Tedaviler Kongresi, Türkiye, 1 - 03 Mart 2019


11. Ulusal Kemik İliği Transplantasyonu ve Hücresel Tedaviler Kongresi, Türkiye, 1 - 03 Mart 2019

Impact of ABO mismatch on outcomes of allogeneic hematopoietic stem cell recipients: 30 years of experience with 1016 patients.

TCT Meetings of ASBMT and CIBMTR, February 20-24, 2019, Houston, Texas, USA. Biol Blood Marrow Transplant 201925(3):S322., 20 - 24 Şubat 2019

Akut Miyeloid Lösemide Nakil Öncesi Minimal Kalıntı Hastalık Diğer Risk Faktörlerinden Daha Önemli Midir?

11. Ulusal Kemik İliği Transplantasyonu ve Hücresel Tedaviler Kongresi, Antalya, Türkiye, 1 - 02 Mart 2019, ss.76-77

Impact of ABO mismatch on outcomes of allogeneic hematopoietic stem cell recipients: 30 years of experience with 1016 patients.

TCT Meetings of ASBMT and CIBMTR, February 20-24, 2019, Houston, Texas, USA. Biol Blood Marrow Transplant 201925(3):S322., 20 - 24 Şubat 2019, cilt.25, ss.322

Impact of ABO mismatch on outcomes of allogeneic hematopoietic stem cell recipients: 30 years of experience with 1016 patients.

TCT Meetings of ASBMT and CIBMTR, February 20-24, 2019, Houston, Texas, USA. Biol Blood Marrow Transplant 201925(3):S322., 20 - 24 Şubat 2019

Impact of ABO mismatch on outcomes of allogeneic hematopoietic stem cell recipients: 30 years of experience with 1016 patients.

TCT Meetings of ASBMT and CIBMTR, February 20-24, 2019, Houston, Texas, USA. Biol Blood Marrow Transplant 201925(3):S322., 20 - 24 Şubat 2019

Impact of ABO mismatch on outcomes of allogeneic hematopoietic stem cell recipients: 30 years of experience with 1016 patients.

TCT Meetings of ASBMT and CIBMTR, February 20-24, 2019, Houston, Texas, USA. Biol Blood Marrow Transplant 201925(3):S322., 20 - 24 Şubat 2019

İmmun Trombositopeni (İTP) hastalarında ABO kan gruplarının birinci basamak tedavi yanıtına etkisi

TKBD Uluslararası Katılımlı Hematolojik Hastalıkların Tanı Ve İzleminde Laboratuvar Sempozyumu, Türkiye, 5 - 07 Nisan 2018, cilt.16, ss.44

Akut karaciğer yetmezliğinde plazmaferezin etkinliği

12.Ulusal Çocuk Gastroenteroloji, Hepatoloji ve BESLENME kONGRESİ, Türkiye, 18 - 21 Nisan 2018

Heparin enhances CD34 content of stem cells collected following G-CSF +/- chemotherapy

44th Annual Meeting of European Society for Blood and Marrow Transplantation, Lizbon, Portekiz, 18 - 21 Mart 2018

Donor lymphocyte infusion after salvage chemotherapy inrelapsed acute myeloblastic leukemia patients afterallogeneic stem cell transplantation

The 44th Annual Meeting of the European Society for Blood andMarrow Transplantation: Physicians Poster Sessions, lizbon, Portekiz, 18 - 21 Mart 2018

Allojeneik Hematopoetik Kök Hücre Nakli Sonrası Akut Myeloid Lösemi Nüksünün Yönetimi ve Prognozu

10. Ulusal Kemik İliği Transplantasyonu ve Hücresel Tedaviler Kongresi, Antalya, Türkiye, 1 - 03 Mart 2018, ss.126-127

Ph Negatif ALL’de 1. Tam Remisyonda Yapılan Pekiştirme Tedavileri Nakil Sonrası Başarıyı Arttırır

10. Ulusal Kemik İliği Transplantasyonu ve Hücresel Tedaviler Kongresi, Antalya, Türkiye, 1 - 03 Mart 2018, ss.107-108

Evaluating peritransplant albumin decline as a predictor of acute graft versus host disease

43rd Annual Meeting of the European Society for Blood and Marrow Transplantation, Marseille, Fransa, 26 - 29 Mart 2017, cilt.52, ss.210-211 identifier identifier

The outcome of haploidentical hematopoietic celltransplantations

43rd Annual Meeting of the European Society for Blood and Marrow Transplantation, 26 - 29 Mart 2017, cilt.52, ss.314


24th Biennial International Congress on Thrombosis / EMLTD Congress, 4 - 07 Mayıs 2016
Kitap & Kitap Bölümleri


Hematoloji ve COVID-19 - 2020 (Kitap Editörlüğü), İlhan Osman, Toprak Selami Koçak, Editör, Türkiye Klinikleri, Ankara, ss.1-116, 2020



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